Utah Fish Report
Fish Report for 1-5-2011
Fish Report for 1-5-2011
Woman's 315-pound yellowfin on Royal Star the biggest?

by Rich Holland
Lady angler tops recent hot long range action with a 315
Long range fishing has been on an incredible roll through the holidays and into the New Year with lots of huge yellowfin tuna on every boat of the fleet. "I counted at least 75 % of our passengers had caught their personal best tuna on this trip. A job well done by not only the fisherman, but the crew as well," reported Independence skipper Jeff DeBuys on his way home (the boat was due in this morning, Jan. 5).
The biggest fish recently fell to a lady angler on the Royal Star December 30, as Liz Franzino, a long-time Royal Star regular, pulled in a monster that weighed 315 pounds on the boat's scale. That may well be the biggest yellowfin tuna ever caught by a gal on a long range boat, but if so, don't expect it to last. Not with all the giants being taken and all the women on the boats these days.
"It's not just a man's game anymore," said Scottie Shintaku, when contacted at the offices of the Royal Polaris and Shogun. "We have a lot of ladies fishing now."
Still, there are at best only a handful of yellowfin tuna over 300 pounds ever caught on long range boats by women. The first I ever saw was a 310 pounder caught by June Pierce of Desert Hot Springs in 1989 aboard the Red Rooster III. Pierce was a petite lady, but one heck of an angler and had another fish over 300 pounds to her credit.
Joyce Corrigan of Cerritos is the other lady angler I'm certain has two yellowfin over 300 pounds, both caught on the Royal Polaris. Her 304.4 in 2003 was the women's IGFA 130-pound line class record and she followed that up with a 310 pounder in 2004.
Perhaps the most amazing feat of big tuna fishing by a lady angler on a single trip was accomplished by Kathy Rounds on the Royal Polaris although she had to suffer the disappointment of a tuna that taped at 305 pounds weighing "only" 295.5 pounds at the dock. She got first place jackpot with that fish, second with a 292 pounder and also had a 240.
The RP has a couple of "Susans" who are regulars and who regularly catch big fish, though they have yet to catch a giant. Susan Beck - who has a spot named after her at San Benedicto, "Sue's Hole" - has a 250 on her resume and Susan Gentry - out on the boat right now - has a 246.6.
Robin Gist of Castaic caught a 273-pound yellowfin on the Shogun in 2007. I'm sure there are many more women with 200 pounders - are there any others with yellowfin over 300 pounds taken on the long range fleet?. That's the question. Contact me at rich@sportfishingreport.com if you have any info.
Getting back to the amazing fishing, Jim Mitchell called to report some great snow up at June Mountain and then gave a report on his trip aboard the Royal Polaris that tore up the tuna just before Christmas.
"We had only 18 anglers aboard and Roy Rose at the helm and the fishing outside of Clarion Island was amazing," said Mitchell, who got second and third in the jackpot with a pair of fish over 200 pounds. "I released 100 fish, 50 of them over 100 and half of those over 150. We would have drifts that lasted 5 or 6 hours where you could pin a sardine on 130-pound and a 7/0 Super Mutu and if you got it in a reasonable place you could expect a bite. If you put on wire you could catch a wahoo. If you dropped to the bottom you caught a grouper. It was one of the best long range trips I have ever been on."
Long range fishing has been on an incredible roll through the holidays and into the New Year with lots of huge yellowfin tuna on every boat of the fleet. "I counted at least 75 % of our passengers had caught their personal best tuna on this trip. A job well done by not only the fisherman, but the crew as well," reported Independence skipper Jeff DeBuys on his way home (the boat was due in this morning, Jan. 5).
The biggest fish recently fell to a lady angler on the Royal Star December 30, as Liz Franzino, a long-time Royal Star regular, pulled in a monster that weighed 315 pounds on the boat's scale. That may well be the biggest yellowfin tuna ever caught by a gal on a long range boat, but if so, don't expect it to last. Not with all the giants being taken and all the women on the boats these days.
"It's not just a man's game anymore," said Scottie Shintaku, when contacted at the offices of the Royal Polaris and Shogun. "We have a lot of ladies fishing now."
Still, there are at best only a handful of yellowfin tuna over 300 pounds ever caught on long range boats by women. The first I ever saw was a 310 pounder caught by June Pierce of Desert Hot Springs in 1989 aboard the Red Rooster III. Pierce was a petite lady, but one heck of an angler and had another fish over 300 pounds to her credit.
Joyce Corrigan of Cerritos is the other lady angler I'm certain has two yellowfin over 300 pounds, both caught on the Royal Polaris. Her 304.4 in 2003 was the women's IGFA 130-pound line class record and she followed that up with a 310 pounder in 2004.
Perhaps the most amazing feat of big tuna fishing by a lady angler on a single trip was accomplished by Kathy Rounds on the Royal Polaris although she had to suffer the disappointment of a tuna that taped at 305 pounds weighing "only" 295.5 pounds at the dock. She got first place jackpot with that fish, second with a 292 pounder and also had a 240.
The RP has a couple of "Susans" who are regulars and who regularly catch big fish, though they have yet to catch a giant. Susan Beck - who has a spot named after her at San Benedicto, "Sue's Hole" - has a 250 on her resume and Susan Gentry - out on the boat right now - has a 246.6.
Robin Gist of Castaic caught a 273-pound yellowfin on the Shogun in 2007. I'm sure there are many more women with 200 pounders - are there any others with yellowfin over 300 pounds taken on the long range fleet?. That's the question. Contact me at rich@sportfishingreport.com if you have any info.
Getting back to the amazing fishing, Jim Mitchell called to report some great snow up at June Mountain and then gave a report on his trip aboard the Royal Polaris that tore up the tuna just before Christmas.
"We had only 18 anglers aboard and Roy Rose at the helm and the fishing outside of Clarion Island was amazing," said Mitchell, who got second and third in the jackpot with a pair of fish over 200 pounds. "I released 100 fish, 50 of them over 100 and half of those over 150. We would have drifts that lasted 5 or 6 hours where you could pin a sardine on 130-pound and a 7/0 Super Mutu and if you got it in a reasonable place you could expect a bite. If you put on wire you could catch a wahoo. If you dropped to the bottom you caught a grouper. It was one of the best long range trips I have ever been on."
Rich Holland's Roundup
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